I have finished shooting for this project and I am excited for it. I have added onto the writing that i did last week so maybe now the idea will be a little more clear, but if it's not that's okay, because it's for our imaginations to run wild.
basically I wanted to do a project that reminded us of our childhoods. you know when you're alone in your dark room at night your imagination runs absolutely wild.
I am going to post images of things that I was afraid of when I was a kid in the dark.
1. the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park.
I was always afraid that these guys were hiding in my bathroom. I'm not sure why.
2. The beast from beauty and the beast.Most people probably think that this is ridiculous, but i was petrified of beast coming to get me when i was a kid. I would hear things and think that it was him outside of my door.
3. the poltergeist/getting sucked into a TV.Since I was a kid I've been scared of ghosts. Believe what you will, but I know for sure that they exist. The thing about them is that no one knows if they are really actually real or not. It's all up to the believer.

lets all remember back to when we were kids and what we were afraid of.
are you still afraid now?
Now I may just stick with what i posted last week, I really like the direction it went in. but there will probably be more updates as the week goes on.