So i changed my idea from the QR Codes.
I changed my idea because i just didn't feel passionate about it.
i am a senior now as of this semester and i really just wanted to do something that made me excited about making art and photographs.
so i decided to go back to taking Polaroids with this film i bought for my polaroid 600 camera. the film is very rare and very expensive, so i have to choose each shot very carefully. i want to do transfers and emulsion lifts with these photographs and at the end i will have a series on different hand made papers.
i am so excited about this project because it makes me feel excited to be making art again. i really needed this spark of inspiration to really make me excited to do what i love to do.
so of course I should have known that money would be a set back in this project, but I am determined to continue on with my new idea of using Polaroids.
the idea i have is to take photos and then do Polaroid transfers with them on home made papers.
the transfers are really beautiful and are a lot more than just taking a photograph.
the transfers would look something like this
as for the film/camera issue, I've been looking on ebay for a new camera that would be easier to buy film for.
if not, i'll be continuing to buy the 28$ for 8 exposure impossible project film.
Very beautiful transfer... I hope the new camera will work (let me know--I think there was film in it--older than you-know-what, but maybe it would work). I know that money will be a problem but maybe it will become a way to laser-focus your craft skills!